DIY Valentine’s Decor

Written by Tracy Pounds

January 26, 2023

Supply List

I love making DIY Valentine’s decor and these chunky wood hearts are the best because they sit up on their own! These would look perfect on a tiered tray, bookshelf, desk, or even a little Valentine’s Day vignette. We will be using some fun materials today like aluminum foil tape, chalk paint, Mod Podge, and napkin art. 

valentine's day wood heart

How to Create Wood Heart Valentine’s Day Decor

First, we are going to start off by painting our wood hearts with white chalk paint. Let dry.

Next, we will move on to the napkin art! I have some beautiful Valentine’s Day patterned napkins that I’ll be using today. I’m going to start with a black and white damask pattern. I will use my “lick and stick” method to separate the napkin layers. This particular napkin is 3-ply, so I’ll separate the layers and use that top layer with the artwork. Brush a layer of Mod Podge Matte onto the top of your wood heart. Place your napkin on top, place a layer of plastic wrap over that, and smooth the napkin onto the heart with your hands. Next, I’ll take a piece of sandpaper just to sand off that excess napkin around the hearts.

I’ll turn my hearts over and work on the other side. This napkin is a red and white floral pattern. I will use the same technique as before – separating the layers, adding the Mod Podge Matte, smoothing the napkin over top, and sanding off the excess.

Put another layer of Mod Podge over both sides of the hearts. Lay them on their side so they can dry. This layer will protect the napkin and make it even more transparent.

Adding the Aluminum Foil Tape

Now, we are going to work on our aluminum foil tape sides! Cut the tape to the width of your wooden heart. I am using four 12-inch strips. We’re just going to wrinkle and crinkle the aluminum foil tape to give it that texture. I’m going to take my fingers and just flatten them a little bit – just press down, no smoothing! This will make it easier to paint.

I am painting a few with red chalk paint (Poppy) – paint a layer on and then pounce so it gets into those nooks and crannies. Then, I’ll paint some with black chalk paint (Liquorice), using the same technique. Let dry. Then, do a quick second coat and dry again.

Take a foam sanding block and lightly sand your painted foil strips. Then, take a paintbrush to just dust it off.

The aluminum foil tape has an adhesive backing, so we’ll just peel that off and stick it to the edges of our wooden hearts. I’m going to start in the “cleavage” of the heart and just wrap it around to the bottom, then trim off that excess.

When it comes to embellishing your hearts, there is lots that you can do here! 

I have a beautiful rose patterned napkin. I am going to cut out one of the roses and separate those napkin layers. I will add some Mod Podge to my rose, add it to my heart, and add plastic wrap over top and smooth that rose on. Dry with a hand dryer. Sand off the excess napkin. 

heart valentine

That’s just one way you can embellish! You could also add some wool felt flowers (I think I will be doing that too!), add some sparkle, add a pearl or ribbon – the options are endless! 

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