Cancellation Policy

You may cancel your subscription to a membership group at any time. Be sure to cancel before the 1st of the month to avoid the next month’s charge. We will not issue refunds.

You will be removed from the private Facebook group on the last day of the month that you cancel. You will no longer have access to the private Facebook Groups and any videos or content when you cancel. You may sign up again if you wish to return to the group.

Event Cancellation Policy

What happens if I buy my ticket to attend the event and suddenly can’t attend?

Emergencies come up and life happens! While we can’t refund you the price of your ticket, we can convert your ticket into a virtual ticket that includes the kits, printables and Page Builder Guides. You will be able to view the virtual sessions through our Facebook Group.  Dates for the virtual event are forthcoming.

Alternatively, you have the option to transfer your ticket to another attendee.  Should you choose this option, please contact Leslie Ferry at to let us know who will be attending in your place.